I have questions about claiming home repairs and new applicances etc. in a rental situation


Investors and rental owners

Rental expenses such as home repairs expenses otherwise or renovation expenses can be deducted in the year they are incurred. These expenses can be claimed as capital improvements if the repairs/renovations and even the new appliances, were significant and improved the value of the property. You can add the cost of the renovations to the cost of the property and claim them in the year of rental.


If you are unsure whether these expenses are part of the property or not, please visit these TurboTax articles Rental Property Expenses: Current or Capital? 

Here is a TurboTax article with a video that further explains rental expenses  Claiming Expenses on Rental Properties and Can Rental Expenses from a Previous Year be Deducted?.


If you require further assistance please contact our phone support team or contact us directly on Facebook or Twitter.


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