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From T776 doen't allow me to enter a negative number into "Annual Gross Rents". I have a negative gross rents as my losses were larger than rents. Please advise.

Uncollectable rent was larger than my collected rent for the year, therefore I have a negative "Annual Gross Rent". The field will not let me enter a negative number. 

CRA's bulletin on Rental Income T4036(E) Rev. 22, does not have any stipulations that the number entered into "Annual Gross Rent" must be larger than zero. Excerpt:
"Rental losses
You have a rental loss if your rental expenses are more than your gross rental income. If you incur the expenses to earn income, you can deduct your rental loss against your other sources of income."

1) Please advise on how to enter a negative number; or
2) Provide a work around and instructions as to where to enter the negative gross rent amount (loss)