Selling rental property - Splitting the Capital gain

My spouse and I sold a rental property (owned by both of us).

Do I enter the full value of the Proceeds of disposition, Adjusted cost base, & Outlays and Expenses under each one of us return?

Or, shall I split (50/50) the Proceeds of disposition, Adjusted cost base, & Outlays and Expenses that each of our returns reflects only half?


Thank you in advance!

Investors and rental owners

Are you preparing your 2023 tax return? Are you using TurboTax Online or TurboTax CD/Download?

Investors and rental owners

Yes 2023 return. I'm using TurboTax CD/Download.

Investors and rental owners

You would need to split the Proceeds of disposition, Adjusted cost base, & Outlays and Expenses and enter the amounts on each return. You can split the amounts in half, but you can also split them a different way if that better reflects your situation. 

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