I earn a small amount of money through royalties on books. What expenses can I deduct for producing these books, and where do I enter the expenses?


Investors and rental owners

If you receive no T slip for this income, you can claim it as self-employed earnings. You can deduct related expenses for cost of production, office supplies, shipping, home office, etc.

The complete list of business expenses can be found here: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/businesses/topics/sole-proprietorships-partners...

Investors and rental owners

A good answer will include "how" to put these deductions into an online turbotax program.  I don't see the way of doing that right now with the program I've got, and that's the information I need.

Investors and rental owners

As soon as you indicate in the Setting Up section of the return that you are self-employed, the right screens will populate for you automatically in the flow of the return. If you haven't checked the proper boxes, you can find the Business section by using the Find button to search/select Business Profile.