New Member

Investors and rental owners

You can ignore the T5008.

Look on your November TDDI statement, you should see a disposition entry for all of the L shares you owned at their current book value (BV). You didn't actually sell them, but this is what generated a T5008.

You will also see an entry for the (re)acquistion of these same L shares at a BV that is 80.1% of the above. This is how they 'reset' the BV of your existing L shares.

You will also see an entry for the new WN shares. The number will be 0.135 WN shares for every L share you owned, and the BV of these new WN shares will be 19.9% of the orginal L shares.

So the 'reset' L and WN shares have a combined BV that is 100% of your earlier L shares. If you sell either your L or WN shares in the future, this new BV should be the basis of your adjusted cost base (the ACB/share is the BV/#shares).