New Member

Good morning. I already filed my return. I made an error with my foreign income, I declared a capital GAIN of $3k while actually it's a LOSS of $35k. What can I do?


Investors and rental owners

You can make changes to your tax return online through the CRA My Account service. Start by logging in to your account online with your User ID and password. Under the Quick Links, click on the link that says "Change my return". Select the year you’d like to change from the drop-down menu. You can do a search of your T1 General for changes you’d like to make by entering the description or line number.


You must follow all the steps for the changes to submit successfully. You can make a request for changes to one or more tax year in one submission. You receive a confirmation number once the CRA receives your request.

If you want to make further changes after submitting your request, wait until the request has been processed before submitting others. Processing time for changes submitted online is about two weeks.


For more information, please see:

How to Change a Tax Return

Please contact our phone support team or contact us directly on Facebook or Twitter if you require further assistance.