Returning Member

Why does Turbotax show the maximum pension income to be split as 0.00?

My husband has pension income, I have no income, we want t split his pension income with me, but the optimizer shows eligible pension income that can be split as 0.00, why?  He has RRSP income which I think qualifies, and he has cpp disability income, and received retiring allowance from his employer, and received wage loss replacement income.  Shouldn't he be able to split some of that with me?  If so, why does TX not do it?

Seniors and students

Only some forms of pension are eligible for splitting and some depend on the age of the pensioner. Here's a link from CRA that explains exactly which types of income are eligible based on age: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/pension-income-splitting/eli...

If your husband has pension income that is eligible, and it is not registering as available to split, please contact our phone support team for assistance:
