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Why OLD AGE Security uses the net income instead of the much lower taxable income to calculate the GIS and allowances?

For my  2016-17 GIS and my wife's allowance ( based on the 2015 fiscal year),  I just discovered that the Old Age Security people have  not used my taxable income, but the NET INCOME, ignoring a substantial deduction  for preceding years capital losses, a deduction that has  has been allowed by revenue Canada and reflected in my Notice of assessment . 

This makes a substantial difference in our GIS/Allowance. 

Usually the taxable income is the same as the net income, but in my case I was entitled to that deduction and the taxable income should apply..

Why hasn't Old Age Security  used my REAL taxable income to calculate GIS/Allowance? Who is right? 

I have repeatedly seen Service Canada Montreal  for explanations since July 2017. I wrote a letter in December 2017 and a second one in January 2018. I also  called the toll-free number. Never understood their verbal explanations, never received a written explanation either,  just a verbal run around. 

Are these people  working on commission to deprive low income citizens of what is due to them? They say that their way of calculating the revenue for GIS/Allowance is different from that of the ARC . How so? ? 

I intend to request a reconsideration, even at the cost of bringing the case before the Social Security Tribunal, but in order to do this I need to be referred to    specific laws or regulations to this effect?  Can anybody help or explain?

Thanks for your reply. 

Franco V.