Do I qualify for the Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) to withdraw RRSP funds? I lived with a now former spouse (divorced) 3 years ago in a home that he owned, but I did not.

T1036 says "At any time during the period beginning January 1 of the fourth year before the year of the withdrawal and ending 31 days before the date of the withdrawal, did you or your spouse or common-law partner own a home that you occupied alone or with that other individual while you were spouses or common-law partners?”

Since he is no longer my spouse, does this mean I can answer no to this question?

Seniors and students

Based on what you've described, your former spouse's homeownership doesn't affect your eligibility as an HBP first-time home buyer for a couple of reasons. 1. You haven't been a homeowner in the past 4 years and 2. There's no longer a spouse. You can answer No to that question. Happy house hunting!