Seniors and students

Hi, I received the error message as well and also had success when I Net-filed, regardless of the warning.

When I received the warning, I clicked on FIX and it should have opened the form (T4) for me to correct whatever info that it saw as incorrect. However the T4 DID NOT open up for me to correct anything. I just thought it was strange that the program didn't respond, how the instructions say to correct something(glitch)!!


I saw this in the HELP file top right corner of program window above the warning :


"If your return has errors, you will not be able to submit it using NETFILE. Although you can print and mail a return that contains errors, the errors will delay the processing of your return, and could cause the CRA to audit you. You should fix all errors before you file your return."

To fix errors:


  1. Click Fix.

    The screen or form associated with the error opens.

  2. Make the necessary changes and click Continue.
  3. If you had more than one error, repeat steps 1 and 2 until all errors have been fixed.

Note: Once you are on the screen associated with the error, you can click Help for details about what information is required. If you click Help before you get to the screen, the help topic will be too generic to help you fix your error.

What can we do to improve this help topic?

I will post any solid info I get about this issue and how to resolve it !