Seniors and students

This amount is calculated based on 2 things:

  • Working Income
  • Your adjusted family net income

To review and confirm or remove your CWB claim (Line 45300):

  1. Select X in the upper-right corner to close the Help window.
  2. In the upper-right corner of your screen, select Find.
  3. In the Find window, type Canada Workers Benefit.
  4. Select Canada Workers Benefit from the list, and select Go.

Also please take note: Even if you select Yes to claim the CWB, TurboTax will not calculate this benefit if you are not eligible for it. Therefore you must have entered an amount somewhere to allow it to calculate.  Please do a full review of your tax return to determine where the error was made. 




Footnote: We at TurboTax want to encourage you and your close family to take all necessary precautions to ensure your safety. Please review the articles provided below for more information during these difficult times: