Returning Member

Moved to Ontario from Quebec, Submitting Releve 1 and T4A

For some context: 

- moved from Quebec to Ontario at the end of year, therefore filing for Ontario

-cashed out retirement money, therefore I have a T4A (where tax was deducted) and a Releve -2 where Quebec took taxes 


Since I am filing in Ontario, the Releve 2 form does not appear. I switched my address to Quebec to see if it would appear & it does. FIlled it in, switched back to Ontario, and it changed the form to a T4A. I have both a T4A and a Releve 2 for the same retirement income ($7000), how do I claim both the income tax deducted and the Quebec tax deducted without inputting the same 7000 twice? 


Please let me know if you have questions & I appreciate your help!