If I understand this correctly, it will only address correcting a number
in the calculations; it will not address a situation (such as mine) in
which the fundamental problem is that CRA does not have the RL-1
document itself and requires it as docume...read more
I have the exact same problem :( I've been going in a loop adding the
four 0s suggested here, taking them off, etc. I checked numbers with the
providers too, they're rigth
DelphineLBRPosted April 28, 2024
| Latest post April 29, 2024 by
Raymonde: The 'J301' element is invalid - The value '2932.34' is invalid
according to its datatype 'Decimal' - The MaxInclusive constraint
failed. The 'J331' element is invalid - The value '1759.44' is invalid
according to its datatype 'http://www.re...read more
I live in Quebec but worked remotely for an Ontario-based company. I
received a T4 but no RL1. When I enter the T4 and choose to skip the RL1
(as per instructions I've seen in this Community), TurboTax still
automatically puts an amount in box A in t...read more
Sorry I don´t understand and I keep having the same message Box A of
your Relevé 31 is incomplete or contains invalid characters. Do not
enter the hyphens. How do you put the street name and street number? Or
do you just put the number?
While filling out my 2023 tax return and comparing to 2022, I realized I
failed to claim $750 of federal tax credit from my FTQ (A Quebec worker
fund) contributions in 2022. I am already claiming a $750 federal tax
credit this year for my 2023 contri...read more
My wife is non resident and no SIN number. while filling her
information, what SIN Number should I put? if I leave it blank, the
space turn red. Thank you.
R1 only has values in Box J and Box L which add up to the total in Box
A. Do I add Box A to the amount in Box 14 from the T4 in Turbotax? Or
just include Box J and Box L and leave Box A as transferred from the T4?