My Father in-law died 2024.TurboTax is claiming the $4000 senior
assistance tax credit (Quebec) for Him and I assume my Mother in-law.
His marital status remains married.TurboTax is claiming $2000 senior
assistance tax credit (Quebec) for my Mother more
Hello,I’m not able to enter a RL-1 form, and I’m assuming it’s because
I’m not a resident of Quebec. I did work in Qc for a period of time so I
need to enter the form.Thanks for your help!
I order a Turbotax Standard 2024 8 return Bilingual software package
from Staples but after installation it is only in English and I am
unable to find anywhere to swap to french. Does anyone know if a
bilingual software package is available?
R1 only has values in Box J and Box L which add up to the total in Box
A. Do I add Box A to the amount in Box 14 from the T4 in Turbotax? Or
just include Box J and Box L and leave Box A as transferred from the T4?
I am filing my taxes on Turbo-Tax. I couldn't find an RL-1 but I believe
I had to enter only the E field on my T4?I am now trying to do my T4A,
but the T4A does not have the RL-2 field J for QC income tax. How do I
enter this?
Nick195Posted a month ago
| Latest post a month ago by
If I understand this correctly, it will only address correcting a number
in the calculations; it will not address a situation (such as mine) in
which the fundamental problem is that CRA does not have the RL-1
document itself and requires it as more
I have the exact same problem :( I've been going in a loop adding the
four 0s suggested here, taking them off, etc. I checked numbers with the
providers too, they're rigth
DelphineLBRPosted April 28, 2024
| Latest post April 29, 2024 by
Raymonde: The 'J301' element is invalid - The value '2932.34' is invalid
according to its datatype 'Decimal' - The MaxInclusive constraint
failed. The 'J331' element is invalid - The value '1759.44' is invalid
according to its datatype ' more
I live in Quebec but worked remotely for an Ontario-based company. I
received a T4 but no RL1. When I enter the T4 and choose to skip the RL1
(as per instructions I've seen in this Community), TurboTax still
automatically puts an amount in box A in more