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Do I have to enter each medical expense individually or can I enter a lump sum for the total allowable expenses paid?


Credits and deductions

Whether you are using the online or CD/Download versions of TurboTax you can choose between the two options, you choose to want to enter each medical expense individually or enter them collectively as a sum total. To do this you can follow the steps provided below:

  1. Click on the magnifying glass (or Find) in the upper-right corner of TurboTax.
  2. Enter “medical expenses” in the Find window.
  3. Select Medical Expenses Profile from the list of results.
  4. Select Go. The “Your Medical Profile for 2020” step appears.
  5. Select all the checkboxes that apply, then select Continue.

The Medical Expenses step appears. TurboTax will display the minimum amount of eligible medical expenses required to generate a tax benefit, if your total expenses are greater than the amount given select Enter New Medical Expense, if it is less you select done as there are not enough expenses to generate a tax credit.


When you select Enter New Medical Expense it will give you an option on the page whether you would like to enter the receipts individually or as one total. If you choose to enter individually, fill out the form and repeat until all receipts are entered then select DoneFor entering a single entry of the total amount of medical receipts, fill out the form once by entering the total amount of the medical receipts, select Done.


If further assistance is required you may use the link How do I enter my medical expenses? that will take you to a TurboTax FAQ where there is a video that could help. Thank you for using TurboTax.