
Even I found the raw form and date of birth field but Turbotax doen't allow to enter any data in this field. I suppose this is turbotax bug and they should fix this problem as soon as possible.


In my case, I don't have any problem to complete my tax return and send to CRA but try to file for spouse turbotax ask to fix spouse's date of missing error even no way to fix it.  


I am using turbox tax over 15 years but it's first time to see this kind of stupid software bug.



I am not getting a refund so I am not in any hurray to file my return so I am mailing my return as well. I did talk to Turbotax customer service & their solution was for me to remove the program & then reload it. I wasn't impressed with this option because when I originally downloaded the program it took close to an hour. I had to reboot my laptop 3 times plus I had to reset my WiFi modem before the download took effect. I too, have been a long time user of Turbotax & have never had an issue before. But after this fiasco I am going to check out other options for next year.


Worked, thank you

Returning Member


I tried to enter the date of birth from the INFOWS but it wouldn't allow any editing.  I have been using TurboTax for years and have never had this problem.  The Personal Info for spouse should be added in the Info section


Returning Member


I am having the exact same problem.  Where exactly is the TurboTax support.  I have been going around in circles trying to find a phone number for turbotax canada - Any luck from any body?


I don’t know why I was able to edit the form but it really should be fixed to update from the easy step screen. Good luck!


I rebooted my pc and reloaded the software many times. The only thing that worked was editing the INFAWS raw form. It looks like this doesn’t work for everyone. I hope they fix this bug soon. 


Your software needs a fix. Can we expect it soon. I would like to file my Taxes.


Garth Klassen

[email address removed]


I am guessing that the work around that I found (opening/editing raw form INFOWS) didn't work? Yes, they really need to fix this. Funny thing is that I'm a software developer and if I had access to the source code maybe I could fix it. LOL.


I ran into the same issue where I tried to manually type the birthdate into the INFOWS but it wouldn't do anything (the spouses were filing their returns separately). I then went to the PINFO form, hit the button 'Process spouse's return as well?', put in the spouse's birthdate, then unchecked the 'process spouse's return as well', then returned to the INFOWS form and I was able to type in their date of birth. I was then able to NETFILE. Not sure if this will work for other people or if I just got lucky.