The FHSA part gives 2 options: 1) I opened my first FHSA in 2024, 2) I have amounts from 2023 on a NOA or a T1028 for 2024. I opened mine in 2023 but only have a T4FHSA??

I opened my first FHSA in 2023. If I remember correctly, reporting my FHSA contributions last spring for my 2023 contributions was very simple. This year however, the options if gives doesn't make sense. You can either select "I opened my first FHSA in 2024", which is not true, or "I have FHSA amounts from prior years reported on a notice of assessment or a T1028 for 2024. None of these are true for me. I'm just looking to report my 2024 contributions which are shown on my T4FHSA, but there doesn't appear to be anywhere on TurboTax to input that information. Would someone be able to offer some guidance?

After you file

If you are using TurboTax Online, you can search for the T4FHSA on the Tax Home page.