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Fix errors does not work


After you file

What is the error message you are receiving?

After you file

I needed to add the number of months to Box 23 of Form T4A (P); I have done so several times, but keep getting the same error message, and therefore cannot file.

After you file

You can try deleting the T4A (P) and then adding it back.
When you delete the T4A (P), you can check if all the errors are cleared before going back and adding the T4A (P) again.

After you file

Thank you Jared, I did figure it out, deleting and starting that section again, plus deleting all the extra lines that kept appearing under a different question, worked.

After you file

I accidentally requested the Ontario Seniors Homeowners Property Tax Grant but was not eligible. The system is asking me to remove my claim to fix the error, but there is no way to fix the error that I can see. I am not able to submit until this error is resolved. Help!

After you file

Go back to the "Provincial" section of your return and make sure that you uncheck that you want to claim this credit, and click on continue. Then make sure where it asks who is claiming this credit remove your name and continue.


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