Returning Member

Non-resident - Basic Personal Amount and Canadian Employment Amount

I am a non-resident and filing non-resident tax. My Canadian source income is much less than 90% of my total worldwide income. However, Turbotax continues to take credit for the Basic Personal Amount and the Canadian Employment Amount. My understanding from Schedule B is that only 15% of the total of lines 30800, 31200, 31600, 31217, 31900, 32300 plus the total of 34900 are the eligible Federal Non-Refundable Tax credits. Can anyone explain to me if my understanding is correct and whether there is an error with TurboTax?

Returning Member


If you declared to TurboTax that you were a non-resident for the year, and if TurboTax is allowing the credits for the basic amount and the employment amount, it means the income that you are reporting that is subject to Canadian tax, i.e. Net Income- Line 23600, is 90% or more of the total of: that income plus the additional income you are declaring in the TurboTax Statement of World Income (i.e. any income from Canada subject to withholding tax (e.g. NR4), plus your out-of-Canada sourced income.) Generally, the amounts making up your Net Income should not include any out-of-Canada sourced income. Our first recommendation is that you review the amounts making up your Net Income and see if there is any out-of-Canada sourced income included there. 

Returning Member


Thanks for the response. I double checked the forms and my schedule B results come up to 3% which should make it ineligible to claim the basic amounts  but Turbotax continues to include it and I an unable to override it in the forms. Any suggestions?


My situation is that I have a T4 with employment income that I need to claim but I am a non-resident currently living in the US. The CRA guides instruct me to use the Alberta Tax Package along with the Non-Resident guide which specifies needing Schedules A, B and D. Turbotax doesn't seem to have the option to select the Alberta package but also have access to the required non-resident Schedules. Any help on this front also?