I just noticed this and called TurboTax Support, and did a screen share
of my downloaded 2023 TurboTax Online Self-Employed PDF return with
their Tier1 and Tier 2 agents:Although the 3-page Cumulative Net
Investment Loss (CNIL ) T936 was included the...read more
I was helping my parents do their taxes using Turbo Tax Premier Online,
and then had a sticker shock when he was going to pay. I have Turbo Tax
Premier Download and had 9 unused returns, so we decided to do my
parents taxes via my Download instead. I...read more
scarfinvPosted March 27, 2024
| Latest post May 1, 2024 by
Hello, I have a T5/RL3 slip with an amount on box13/case D only.
Turbotax keeps showing the same error even if i completely delete the
slips: Your taxable dividend does not equal your actual amount of
eligible dividends multiply by 138% plus your act...read more
OnutzaPosted August 4, 2020
| Latest post March 28, 2024 by
I just downloaded the turbotax online software to file a return for
2019, I paid the $20 but the downloaded software won't open (Im running
Mac OS). Is there additional software I need to download? For the past
few years I've just used the website to...read more
Hi,I am using Forms mode for Turbo Tax standard. There is a NetFile
worksheet and it is strange that there is a separate Revenue Quebec
worksheet and the first question where it asked whether to submit TP1 to
Revenue Quebec is marked as "Yes" even th...read more
Com_SamPosted April 9, 2021
| Latest post 13 hours ago by
I am adding a Class 54 vehicle in my T777. The online SW goes and
calculate maximum CCA based on 100% depreciation times business usage.
It also calculates correct Fed and Prof refunds when doing so. I then go
and override the CCA For the Year value ...read more
Hello, I've downloaded turbo tax 2017 software but at the bottom it
doesn't show the 21 digit code, I've redownloaded multiple times to hope
that it would appear but none the wiser as it doesn't show up. Could I
please get a 21 digit code? Thanks,Bmp...read more
This question has been asked before by another user but I do not see an
answer. I need to understand where this entry comes from. I assume it
has to do with 23200. The foreign tax was much higher than shown in this
field and the difference seems to g...read more