New Member

Furnace , A/C and Water Heater Rentals



If I rent a furnace, air conditioner and water heater from a company like Reliance, would I be able to claim these expenses for a rental property? Any info you can provide (consider me a newbie) would be beneficial, as I am trying to decide if I will proceed with this option or not. 


Thank you

Expert Alumni


Utilities are a major expense for landlords. You can claim a tax deduction for the portion of utilities related to your rental property or suite. Claim the full amount if you rent out the full property, or claim a portion if you rent out a suite in your principal residence. 


More information on Rental Expenses you can deduct: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/businesses/topics/rental-income/completing-form...



New Member


Thank you, but I'm not referring to the utility bills themselves. I am referring to the monthly cost to rent the heating and cooling equipment. I can't seem to find that answer on the CRA site. 



Expert Alumni


Since CRA has little information available online, it's always a good idea to contact the agency directly with your specific circumstances. This link provides different ways to contact CRA   https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/questions/1189856


My understanding is the Furnace and Water heater rental expenses can be claimed as expenses for rental property because if these equipment is purchased, it would be considered capital, and you can claim capital cost allowance (CCA).

