Contact info to speak with a live Agent for Full Service help.

Do you not have a general phone number for Customer Assistance.
We are 76 and 90 and technology dweeb.


Yes, you can contact our service support line at 1-888-829-8608.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.


I trade options and spreads through discount brokerages. I need to know if Turbo Tax can assign someone who would be knowledgeable in how to calculate gains with options and spreads exercise and short sales. When I asked this on phone with customer service, i.e could I be assigned someone with knowedge of options tax treatment if I opted for full service ? I was informed that they could not give me this information and neither could they connect me with someone who could give me more information


Unfortunately, bookkeeping is out of scope for TurboTax Live. If you had all the calculations- they would be able to calculate and complete your return for you.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.