Error: You have reported a disposition of a principal residence property. New updates are available. Please review your information. Clicking fix does nothing

I'm trying to file but I keep getting this error. I click 'fix', I fill out the form but the error doesn't go away so I can't file.


I have the same problem. Can't Netfile because the error won't go away, and I can't go back. I'm stuck.


If you are using TurboTax Desktop, please make sure the software is updated to the new version 00.01.52. 




Thank you for choosing TurboTax.






I'm not using Turbo Tax Desktop

New Member


Same Issue on my end, won't let me file and can't clear the errors away.  Using TurboTax web version.


Same issue here. I spent over an hour on the phone with Turbo Tax support on Friday and they couldn't fix it.

Their recommendation was to start a new return from scratch, which I tried this morning and it's giving me the SAME error again on my new return. 


TTO USERS: Here is a workaround: a temporary workaround involves returning to the Tax Home, re-entering the Principal Residence topic, editing the property, and then proceeding through the flow. If the proceeds of disposition for the taxpayer or spouse/partner are missing from the Sale of Principal Residence Summary step (s_sold_principal_residence_sum) after completing the flow, the user must re-enter the property and subsequently remove the initial entry from the summary.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax. 

New Member


@TurboImpotBrenda1 Unfortunately this workaround still does not work.  I have tried both ways that were noted and issue still comes up. 


That workaround doesn’t fix it at all. 

New Member


I got this workaround to take for me, after several attempts and filling in some of the gaps in the steps described. This is a pretty bad bug that needs to be addressed, and proper instructions should be provided outlining all the steps to workaround in the meantime.