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How do i delete self employment income? I have a double entry as Other Income and Self Employed but when I try to delete the Self Employed it won't save the change.

I am not self employed. Not sure how or why it's recording that. I have clicked No in the self employed Income section.
1 Reply

How do i delete self employment income? I have a double entry as Other Income and Self Employed but when I try to delete the Self Employed it won't save the change.

You might want to check if you have a T4A slip with boxes that are triggering a self-employment income report. Please see our TurboTax FAQ Why is TurboTax telling me I'm self-employed?


In TurboTax online, on the left-hand side, in Personal Tax Profile for (your name), you may want to uncheck the box beside “I was self-employed”.


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