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I did not receive form T2200 from my employer--does this mean I cannot claim self-employment expenses?

I work from home for a 100% remote company, whose headquarters are registered in the UK. I have been able to write off employment expenses in previous years . Can I no longer do that?
1 Reply

I did not receive form T2200 from my employer--does this mean I cannot claim self-employment expenses?

@cemw1988, please, for further assistance with Canadian tax return, make sure to post your questions on Canadian Community.

Self-employment expenses should not be on a T2200. This form is for employment expenses (with a T4) not Self-employment. If you are self-employed, you should enter your expenses on the T2125 form (if you are using TurboTax Desktop) or in the Self-employment section (in TurboTax Online).


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