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I live in Ontario but worked in QC. Where do I enter my RL-2 information? It is not a tax-slip option.

I am filing my taxes on Turbo-Tax. I couldn't find an RL-1 but I believe I had to enter only the E field on my T4?

I am now trying to do my T4A, but the T4A does not have the RL-2 field J for QC income tax. How do I enter this?

1 Reply

I live in Ontario but worked in QC. Where do I enter my RL-2 information? It is not a tax-slip option.

RL-1 and RL-2 are Quebec slips. Because you are an Ontario resident, you won't be able to enter the entire RL, but, at the bottom of your T4, you will have the box E. 


For the T4A, we suggest you to contact CRA.


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