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How can I change from TURBOTAX deluxe 2022 to TURBOTAX free.

I do not want to pay as my taxes are simple but I selected Deluxe by mistake.
1 Reply

How can I change from TURBOTAX deluxe 2022 to TURBOTAX free.

Unfortunately, once you have upgraded or added features to your TurboTax return, there is no way to downgrade or remove the extra features. You would need to create a new return to go back to the original product. 


To start a new return, select “Start a New Return” from under “My Returns” in the top left corner. Once you have started your new return, you can select “View All Returns” from under “My Accounts & Returns”. Then delete the unwanted return by clicking the small Trash Can next to it or “Delete” under the return’s name.


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