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I've always been self employed, why do I need to upgrade now to complete my return?

After entering all my information as usual, I'm told I need to upgrade. Can you tell me what has changed? 
1 Reply

I've always been self employed, why do I need to upgrade now to complete my return?

There are many benefits when filing with our Self Employed plan which may not be included with the plan you are currently using. Our self-employed plan includes many aspects such as:

- Covers income and expenses from stocks, bonds, and cryptocurrency

- Covers rental property income and expenses
- Covers capital gains and losses
- Handles foreign income
- Provides guidance reporting self-employment income and expenses
- Searches for industry-specific deductions
- Covers ride-sharing, online sales, consulting, real estate, and more
Please see this TurboTax article: 

Why did I have to upgrade my TurboTax Online edition?

Here is a great article by TurboTax on filing as a self-employed small business owner. 
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