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Returning Member

Unable to Edit Return Without Upgrade

I'm trying to go back into my return to correct an error, but it seems like I'm being required to upgrade even though the issue doesn’t apply to my situation. Is there a way to fix this without upgrading?

1 Reply

Unable to Edit Return Without Upgrade

In 2021, TurboTax optimized its editions to ensure that our customers are getting access to the forms need to make the most out of every individual's tax need to the most out of every individual's tax situation, and to respect his accuracy guaranty of the calculation. Since certain claims/expenses were moved to the appropriate edition. TurboTax is better able to guide our customers through their filing journey and ensure that no credits or deductions are missed. If the claim/ Expense is not covered by the version you are using , you will be automatically prompted to upgrade to the appropriate edition. 


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