I keep receiving the same error message. My account is not locked with Canada Revenue Agency. I've checked all my entire income tax paperwork. Still cannot file my tax return..
Your federal return was not accepted by the CRA
Your account is locked. If you need assistance, please contact us
Can you please help me soon as possible. I appreciate your assistance.
We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please use the following FAQ to contact our customer support.
I'm getting this same message now. How did you resolve it?
All I see is "Contact Us" If you are using TurboTax Online- Please change your browser to see if it helps and if not, please try to clear your cache- https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/community/tax-topics/help/how-do-i-clear-my-cache-browsing-history/00/873530
Je dois envoyer une modification de mon impôt 2019 , et à chaque fois cela me donne cette erreur
quoi faire?
@ricwil32 can you please reach out to the French Team - https://turboimpot.community.intuit.ca/community/soutien-turboimp%C3%B4t/soutien/03/fr-ca
Please read info. in subject line
Thank you.
How do i resolve this problem
If using TurboTax online- please try using a different browser. If you get the same message please contact our customer service for assistance.
error 12501e
Cannot reach rev canada .Can you clear the error or advise Please
Please verify the following lines found on Schedule 7:
1) Make sure to enter the amount of unused RRSP/PRPP contributions available for 2019 from the Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) records on line 1 of Schedule 7. This amount is $0.
2) Make sure to enter the total of the RRSP/SPP/PRPP contributions made after the first 60 days of 2019 and no later than the first 60 days of the following year, on line 245 of Schedule 7.
3) If necessary, make sure any contributions you are designating as a repayment under the HBP and the LLP are correctly indicated on line 246 and/or 262 of Schedule 7.
Once you make the necessary changes, try sending your return again. If the amount of unused RRSP/PRPP contributions available for 2019 in the CRA's records indicated above is incorrect, please contact the Canada Revenue Agency for assistance.