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How to see the Supp Schedule for Capital Gains?

I've seen some similar posts regarding T5008 importing and how capital gains are treated in Turbotax.  I track all this separately and I've entered the Cost of each security separately (very tedious as importing T5008 slips from a Trust does not populate this field).  Somehow Turbotax is showing a MASSIVE capital gain (about 15x what I expect).  However, I can't view the "Supp Schedule" related to this calculation.  The T5008 functionality in Turbotax is really quite flawed if I can't see how "Taxable Capital Gains" is calculated.  I've spent hours on this.  What is the answer?

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How to see the Supp Schedule for Capital Gains?

In the Forms area of Turbo Tax Desktop software use the search forms icon and type S3 (SUPP) to locate the worksheet.