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How do I designate a person to whom I can transfer my tuition fees?

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How do I designate a person to whom I can transfer my tuition fees?

Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

As per CRA: It is required that a student claim any of their tuition fees on their own return first, regardless of who paid them. Once the student’s tax owing is reduced to zero, they can then transfer leftover amounts to their spouse/partner, parent or grandparent, or to their spouse’s parent or grandparent.


You may transfer a maximum of $5,000 of the current year’s federal tuition amount, and where available, the applicable maximum for provincial and territorial tuition, education, and textbook amounts, minus the amount you used to reduce your tax owing as calculated on Schedule 11.


You just need to put the amount that you are going to be transferring to them.


Instructions on how to process the Tuition Transfer:


  • Under the “Deductions” tab, select “Students”. This will bring you to the “Your Student Profile for 2017” page.


  • Check off “Tuition fees on a receipt, T2202A, or TL11” and “Transfer of tuition and education to a spouse, parent or grandparent”. Click on the “Continue” button.


  • On- “T2202A, TL11, and Tuition Fees Paid - Summary” enter your tuition information and then click “Continue” to save the slip. When you have entered all your tuition slips, click on the “Done with Tuition Fees” button.


  • On- “Transfer Tuition and Education (Federal)” you can enter the amount you would like to transfer to your parents in the bottom box labeled “Enter the amount being transferred to a parent or grandparent”. Click “Continue” to save your information.


  • The next page is for the Provincial transfer. Again, fill in the bottom box with the amount you wish to transfer. Click “Continue” to save your information.


  • On - “Student Summary” you will see the amounts you are claiming, transferring, and carrying forward under both the Federal & Provincial sections.


For information on Parents/ Spouse to enter tuition amount transferred from you please click: