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How do I transfer my daughter's unused tuition amount?

I have filled out the "tuition transfer amount" form which asks for the tuition fees, Line 2 schedule 11 ($3664.86). It does not ask for the unused tuition amount ($3521.60) and therefore the amount showing on line 324 on my return is the full tuition amount of $3664.86.
Where do I put the unused tuition amount?  Should I be putting it in the Tuition Fees box even though it specifically states Line 2 from schedule 11 which is the full tuition amount?
3 Replies

How do I transfer my daughter's unused tuition amount?

What province are you in?

How do I transfer my daughter's unused tuition amount?


How do I transfer my daughter's unused tuition amount?

    There have been some changes to the Tuition Credit on a Provincial level for Ontario and Saskatchewan for 2018 and New Brunswick as of 2017. Tuition is no longer a provincial credit for students in those three (3) provinces. 

    Therefore, any Provincial amounts to enter the tuition transfer will not be available, as seen in previous years.