As a food delivery driver, which expenses can I claim?
When working for a food delivery service like UberEats, Skip the Dishes, or DoorDash, you’re considered to be self-employed.
Common tax-deductible expenses include:
- Your bike and accessories
- Some phone expenses
- Fees paid to the delivery app
If you completed your deliveries by car, you may be able to deduct vehicle expenses such as:
- Lease payments
- Gas
- Parking fees during pickup and delivery
- Maintenance and repairs
- Roadside assistance
Select your product and follow the instructions to claim these expenses in TurboTax.
- Answer the initial Personal info and Tax profile interview questions if you haven't already. This unlocks the Tax home screen.
- From the Tax home screen, under Add to your return, enter self-employment and select Self-Employment Activities.
- At the Your Self-Employment or Business Summary screen, select Enter New Business.
- At the What category is your self-employment work? screen, select Business, select your Province, then continue.
- Continue through the info entry screens and answer the questions about your business, continuing past the Next up, claiming your expenses screen.
- At the Select the types of expenses you have screen:
- Select the Add button for each applicable expense category.
- Note: TurboTax recommends some expense categories for your business type.
- If you need other expense categories, select the More expenses dropdown and use Search, or select Add from the additional categories listed.
- When you’ve added all the categories you need, select Continue.
- From the Here’s your [business type] info screen, select the Start button for each expense category in turn. When you’re finished entering your expenses, select I’m done.
- At the Your Self-Employment or Business Summary screen, select Done With Businesses.
- Answer all the interview questions if you haven't already.
- From the menu, select Find, enter business in the search bar, select Business profile from the list, then Go, then Continue.
- At the Business Identification screen, select Other type of business, then continue.
- Continue through the on-screen prompts.
- At the T2125 Business Identification screen, enter info about:
- Your business and its income
- Expenses:
- Vehicle expenses, if applicable
- Fixed asset expenses (vehicle if applicable)
- Several categories of other expenses, as applicable
- Business use of your home, if applicable
- At the T2125 Business Summary screen, review the Business Statement, then select Continue.
- At the Business Summary screen, if you’ve covered all of your business activity, select Done With Businesses.