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I filed a joint return and received a NOA from CRA (it also appears online), but my partners' CRA account has no 2021 return. Did it get filed? Is there a delay? Help!

1 Reply

I filed a joint return and received a NOA from CRA (it also appears online), but my partners' CRA account has no 2021 return. Did it get filed? Is there a delay? Help!

Please review our TurboTax FAQ link below for guidance.

How do I know if my return was filed using NETFILE and received by the CRA?


If you have filed a coupled return, and your partner's return has not been filed, then open your tax return and click on the "File" tab, you will see your partner's return that needs to be filed, and proceed from there to Netfile their return as indicated in our TurboTax FAQ link here: In the online edition of TurboTax, how do I submit my tax return to CRA using the NETFILE service?


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