As per the Canada Revenue Agency(CRA), you can claim a Child Fitness Tax credit for 2022. childrens-fitness-tax-credit
To claim this credit in TurboTax, follow the steps below.
Instructions for TurboTax Online
Note: Amounts that qualify to be claimed as both a child care expense and the fitness amount must first be claimed as a child care expense. Any unused part can then be claimed for the fitness amount.
Before beginning, enter your dependants into TurboTax to ensure optimal results.
- Select Find from the menu and enter claims for dependants in the search field
- Select Claims for Dependants from the search results, then select Go
- On the Claims for Dependants screen, answer Yes to the question, then select Continue
- Select Enter Credit Info next to the dependant who’s eligible for the children’s activities credit
- Select the checkbox for Children's fitness amount (provincial credit only), then select Continue
- On the Did your child participate in a fitness activity screen, enter your eligible expense amount and the percentage to be claimed, then select Continue
- On the Your children and other dependants screen, repeat steps 4–6 for any other eligible dependants
- When you’re finished, select Done Entering Credits
- Your credit amount now appears next to Fitness tax credit on your dependant credit summary
Instructions for TurboTax CD/Download
Note: Amounts that qualify to be claimed as both a child care expense and the fitness amount must first be claimed as a child care expense. Any unused part can then be claimed for the fitness amount.
Before beginning, enter your dependants into TurboTax to ensure optimal results.
- Select Find from the menu and enter claims for dependants in the search field
- Select Claims for dependants from the search results, then select Go
- On the Claims for dependants screen, answer Yes to the question, then select Continue
- Select the dependant who’s eligible for the children’s activities credit, then select Enter Dependant Credits
- Select the checkbox for Children's fitness amount (provincial credit only), then select Continue
- On the Did [Name] participate in a fitness activity screen, enter your eligible expense amount and indicate who’s claiming it, then select Continue
- On the Dependant credits screen, repeat steps 4–6 for any other eligible dependants
- When you’re finished, select Done Entering Credits
- Your credit now appears next to Fitness amount on your dependant credit summary
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.