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I entered all my vehicle info for my Business expenses but when i click done it does not show in the summary and says not started how do I fix this?

This issue will be fixed on our next update. We will update you as soon as it has been resolved. This issue is with TurboTax Online. 


Thank you for your patience in this matter.

I entered all my vehicle info for my Business expenses but when i click done it does not show in the summary and says not started how do I fix this?

This is happening to me today. How do I fix it so my vehicle expenses populate?





I entered all my vehicle info for my Business expenses but when i click done it does not show in the summary and says not started how do I fix this?

Log out and make sure that you update your software go back to the expenses and see if they are showing the amounts that you entered.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member

I entered all my vehicle info for my Business expenses but when i click done it does not show in the summary and says not started how do I fix this?

I also run into sim issue.

Business expenses entered but only few categories added to total. Categories such as Communication, Legal and Professional Other completely omitted and not calculated into total.

I am running fully updated TurboTax Home and Business download for MAC. MAC OS fully updated too.

I entered all my vehicle info for my Business expenses but when i click done it does not show in the summary and says not started how do I fix this?

@VP2024 TurboTax Canada do not have a Desktop version for Mac. If you are doing a US tax return, please contact the US Community with this link.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.