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2023 return not showing with cra why?

Not receiving gst or climate tax?
3 Replies

2023 return not showing with cra why?

Did you receive a NETFILE confirmation number? If you don't have a NETFILE confirmation number, you may not have filed the return for it to be processed by the CRA.


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2023 return not showing with cra why?

Hello, I filed my 2023 return and it appears on my TurboTax account on the app but it doesn’t show with CRA. No, I did not receive my NETFILE confirmation number in the mail. Please what do I do? 

2023 return not showing with cra why?

@Bomaarr when you are on the welcome page of your TurboTax Online account, under your 2023 return, do you see "in Progress" or "Completed"? If it's showing "in Progress" it means the Netfile process wasn't completed till the end, until CRA system generate the Netfile confirmation number.



We suggest you to consult this article. Some information on it could help you with your request.


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