I would like to delete the account and the profile I just created


Getting started

If you'd like to delete your TurboTax account and profile, you will need to contact our customer service for assistance.

Getting started

I’ve called 3 times. Each time, I’m told that it’s a 5-10 minute wait to delete my profile. I hung up after an hour on hold. Right now, it’s been 30 minutes. It’s almost as if you don’t actually want to talk to someone who wants to delete the account - especially since there’s no self-service option to do this. 

Getting started

I got through. They sent me a link to request the deletion (which could have easily been on your site). They want photo ID to delete my account. I don’t drive or have a passport, and the health card in my province doesn’t have a picture. Your solution? Get something notarized. I’m a pensioner. This is frustrating. You didn’t need my ID to create the account and file free tax returns!!