If I never received T4A for my CESB. Do i enter $5000 (what I got in total) in box 198? Dont see a "line 13000" anywhere, since that's what the guide told me to do?


Getting started

If you have a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) My Account login, you can go there to get your T4A information. Or you can use Auto-fill to import all your T-Slips into your tax return. This TurboTaxFAQ shows how to use the Auto-fill My Return service in TurboTax Online: In the online edition of TurboTax, how do I use Auto-fill my return?


If you don’t have a My Account login, you can contact the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to ask for a copy of your slip. If you are in Canada or the United States, you can call the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) at 1-800-959-8281. If you are elsewhere, you can call 613-940-8495. This page has more ways to contact the CRA: Contact the Canada Revenue Agency



If you require further assistance please contact our phone support team or contact us directly on Facebook or Twitter.


If you have TurboTax Live Assist & Review, see this TurboTax FAQ to learn how to talk to a Tax Expert or book a review: In TurboTax Live Assist & Review, how do I talk to a tax expert?


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