CRA Result Code: 32 Our records indicate you are not filing an income tax return for the first time with the Canada Revenue Agency.


Getting started

Please verify that you have answered the question correctly at the beginning of the interview as seen in the images below. If you have previously filed a return before, you need to click on NO.


TURBOTAX ONLINE - You will find this by going in the left menu and clicking on My Info then ___Canadian citizenship to then open this screen. Make sure to click Continue at the bottom of the screen to save your change.






Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Getting started

I am filing for myself and my wife. But my wife is filing for the first time and we still got this CRA Error code 32 saying that the records show that my wife is not filing for the first time.. Please how doe we go about filing the tax for her?

Getting started

If you have sent the CRA information about her income for the past 2 years they may have her information on file and consider it as being an income tax filed. Go back and update your answer for your wife saying that this is not her first time filing, and it should be fine. We advise you to contact the CRA at 1-800-959-8281 to see what they advise you and you can let us know. 


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member

Getting started

I'm 19 and this is the first time I file my taxes using to CRA. My mom did it for me last year and it was after she finishing filing for me that I got my CRA account. But when I try to submit my taxes it says error 32, can you help me with this problem?

Getting started

@aaariaaa If your mom submitted a return for you in the past, then you've already filed a return with the CRA. Please see Ginette's post above to see how to go back and change your answer.