Getting started

Steps to fix the issue you are experiencing regarding Netfile Error due to Entry and Departure to Canada:


For Immigrant or Emigrant Residency Status:

Go to "Personal Information" and edit "Canadian Residency"

Select "Yes" for the "Did you move to or away from Canada in 2024?" question.

Enter the correct date of entry or departure.


For Other Residency Statuses:

Go to "Personal Information" and edit "Province of residence"

Select the correct residency status from this step.


After completing steps above continue through your return to complete your Netfile portion.



As for your tuition issue - the message that you are getting is for the Canada training credit (CTC), not your post secondary tuition. You must be at least 26 years old and less than 66 years old at the end of the year to be able to claim the CTC.