Turbo Tax 2021 not importing personal information from Turbo Tax 2020

I purchase the downloaded version of Turbo Tax every year.  In previous years when I started a new return, a prompt would appear asking me if I would like to import my personal information from my previous tax return as well as notes my unused RRSP contribution room, etc.  The 2021 version does not do that.  Is there a reason why?  And how can I get this done so that I do not have to re-enter all that information? 

Importing your data

Perhaps you've already gotten this but this stumped me too in the beginning. 

Instead of clicking 'Start a New Return', scroll down in the home page of TT2021 and you will see 'Looking for a 2020 Turbotax to transfer from?'... click Browse on the left of it.

Importing your data

Thanks for the heads up.  Much appreciated!


This might be a user experience upgrade that Turbotax might look at implementing.  Maybe moving that prompt to a more obvious location.