Investors and rental owners

Hello TurboTaxGinette,


For many years TurboTax users, including myself, have been asking Intuit to upgrade the T1135 form and allow them to add additional lines as needed to each of the categories in Part B of the form. And every year your response and that of your colleagues is the same: "I have forwarded a request to add extra lines to the T1135 form to our development team. However, a request like this, if it is acted upon, likely will not be completed this tax season." For unexplained reasons, Intuit clearly considers this issue, which is essential for many of those required to submit a T1135, not important enough to act upon and thus keeps ignoring this request.


As a long time user of TurboTax and its predecessors, I have been reluctant to switch to tax software that has the option of adding extra lines in the T1135 form because I generally like the user-friendliness and versatility of TurboTax. But the hassle of the workaround options you have been suggesting, such as combining items into 3 lines, netfiling the T1 and then mailing in a properly completed T1135 downloaded from the CRA website, is just not worth it anymore.


Before I make the step to finally move away from TurboTax and purchase other Canadian tax software, I would like to know if this long-standing issue with the T1135 form has been fixed for tax year 2023 (CD/download version for Windows).


Thank you. I look forward to your response.