TurboTaxBrenda or TurboTaxGinette,Can you please confirm the comment made above by allymcbeal that the number of lines in Part B of the T1135 form in TurboTax f...
I have faced the exact same situation you described for years and hence my post on this forum on February 6, 2024, that started this thread. The only ...
This is very encouraging news. When do you expect this update to be rolled out? And will the updated T1135 then be installed automatically if one already has pu...
Hello TurboTaxBrenda,
I cannot give you an exact number of lines, since the individual requirements by TurboTax users vary widely. All I can tell you is that t...
Hello TurboTaxGinette,For many years TurboTax users, including myself, have been asking Intuit to upgrade the T1135 form and allow them to add additional lines ...