Applying for tax from overseas, used to live in Canada on working holiday. What data to input for address because I am overseas.

Hello I am in Australia, used to live in Canada on a working holiday visa. I used this service to file tax returns from 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 and now need to do my 2018/19.

As I do not have a Canadian address I cannot use NETFILE (even though I have used it previously?)

I am unable to input my overseas address into the system even though it asks if my mailing address is overseas. 

My partner (Canadian citizen) lives in Canada am I able to use her mailing address?

I was able to put her address in but when it asks for where I live I cannot use my address (phone number and postal code is not accepted.

Would I use my address that I had when I was living in Canada at that time and use my partners current address as my mailing address?

If not how can I input my current Data so I am able to print out and mail my tax return?

Are you able to email me?

thank you,

William Stormont.

Investors and rental owners

When filling out your income tax return, enter your Canadian address and when you print it out, you can manually change it to your Australian address.