
Thank you for your question,

This allowance is not a taxable benefit and can be excluded from an employee's  income if all of the following conditions are met:

  • The employee travels away from the office.
  • The allowance is reasonable. We generally consider a value of up to $23 for the meal portion of the travel allowance to be reasonable.
  • You are the primary beneficiary of the allowance.
  • The allowance is not an additional form of remuneration.

If you met the conditions which are mentioned above and if its main reason is so that your employee's duties are performed in a more efficient way during a work shift, you do not have to include travel allowances to your income.


However, If your employer reimburses you for your expenses and includes the reimbursement as taxable income on your T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid, you can claim employment expenses. You’re paying tax on that reimbursement so it makes sense to claim the offsetting expenses. You can get more information from the website of Tips for Claiming Job-Related Expenses.