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Does Turbo tax have tax planning software? If not, where can I get it to plan for for 2022?



TurboTax is a tax preparation software - you can either do it yourself or have one of our LIVE Team assist you, or you can choose to hand over all your information to our Full Service Team and they will do it for you. Furthermore, TurboTax has many tools and tips to help you file your tax return, one is a calculator based on the province you are in to help estimate your possible refund or amount owing. In addition, this article from TurboTax, provides a checklist of what you will need when it comes time to do your taxes. This will help you get all the credits and deductions you are entitled to receive. 

You may also be interested in the following article from TurboTax as well - The Importance of Record Keeping


If you require further assistance, please contact our phone support team or contact us directly on Facebook or Twitter.