Returning Member


Glad to help.  Just so you know, the disability supports line on the worksheet will automatically put $10,000 into the federal tax calculation and also put the Ontario amount of $14318 in the correct Ontario tax calculation.  (check at the bottom of the worksheet and you will see this).  So you do not have to fuss with any other fields. Assuming of course that you have that much to claim.  Also, while I'm not sure you are in the same situation as I am, but my mother passed away last year and I've just been discovering all sorts of additional things available for her final tax return in 2018.  It's worth looking at these ahead of time to minimize work later on.  For her return, it turns out I am farther ahead NOT claiming the disability amount and claiming all of her care as medical expenses.  But it's really depends on your situation.  As well, medical expenses can cover 24 months for the final return....