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Should I file my daytrading as business income?

I was daytrading for about a month daily. The positions lasted less than a day, and I put a significant amount of time into the market. Overall though, I am at a loss. Should I file this as business income? The research I've done points me to filing this as business income as I put significant time into it, frequently traded many positions daily, intent to make a profit.


It does sound like you fall under the rules to report your securities transactions as Business Income. 

Here are a couple of informative articles that explain why you should be reporting your income in this manner.

New Member


If I only did it for a month, before I was busy with school, is this considered a hobby and I would have to file as capital gains/loss? If it makes a difference, I intended for this to be a source of income, but I had to focus on school.
New Member


When day traders report their earnings as business income , in order to claim losses and office business expenses, do they need to incorporate or they can claim them as an individual self employed person ?