Seniors and students

Some reasons why it may not be accepting your address:


- You’ve entered an invalid character, or you’ve entered something that isn’t a number or letter as the first character.

- You are entering a PO Box or a Rural Route – the program requires you to enter the PO Box number like this: PO963. A Rural Route should be entered like this: RR963

- The postal code should only have numbers & letters and no special characters or spaces. There should be total of 6 characters.

- The postal code format must be in the format A#A #A# where A is an alphabetical character and # is a numeric character. Ensure that you have correctly entered any postal code characters that look similar, such as the number '0' and the letter 'O'.


You may want to select and delete everything in each box before retyping, just in case there is a hidden space causing the problem.

Here is an address, tested in the Online and CD/Download versions of TurboTax, to confirm that including your address in this way will be accepted. It may not be in the same order as usual but all the information is included and will be recognized by the CRA. Please see the screenshots below for an example.

Here is an address, tested in the Online and CD/Download versions of TurboTax, to confirm that including your address in this way will be accepted. It may not be in the same order as usual but all the information is included and will be recognized by the CRA. Please see the screenshots below for an example.



Thank you for choosing TurboTax.